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Auch wenn MoReq 2010 immer noch nicht veröffentlicht ist, reisst die Diskussion nicht ab. Alan Pelz-Sharpe von “Real Story Group” geht heute sogar soweit zu fragen, ob MoReq2010 den ameriknaischen Standard DoD 5015 ablöst:
Moreq2010 a DOD5015 slayer?, 23-May-2011
As subscribers to our research know only too well, standards in the world of document and records management...
James Lappin gives a report about the presentations at the DLM Forum:
“I attended the DLM Forum meeting in Budapest last week (May 12 and 13) at which Jon Garde announced that the core requirements of the MoReq 2010 specification had been finalised and would be published as a PDF on the DLM forum website within the fortnight following the meeting. It was possible that it might also be issued...
Am 12.05.2011 wurde MoReq2010 offiziell “gelauncht” - soweit die Planungen und Ankündigungen im Vorfeld des DLM Forum Member Meeting in Budapest.
In einer Reihe von Vorträgen wurden das Konzept von MoReq2010, die geplante Zertifizierung und die vorgesehenen Schulungsaktivitäten vorgestellt. Die Spezifikation selbst wurde dabei drastisch gestrafft.
Einen schalen Beigeschmack hatte dieser “Launch” jedoch bei vielen - und schlug sich auch...
James Lappin | Thinking Records | 6.5.2011
On 5 April this year I sat on a panel at the UK Information and Records...
Das finale Programm für das DLM Forum Membermeeting „Content: Don’t miss the target.” in Budapest vom 12.-13-05.2011 ist veröffentlicht:
The DLM Forum Member Meeting will be in Budapest (Hungary) on 12th – 13th May 2011. Participation of non-member professionals of the fields of public administration, records management, archives and research are also invited.
„Content: Don’t miss the target.”
The program for the DLM Forum Member Meeting at Budapest, May 12th - 13th, 2011 is now available:
...Das DLM Forum / MoReq Governance Board hat am 15.02.2011 eine Nachricht zum aktuellen Stand von MoReq2010 veröffentlicht:
These are exciting times for the MoReq2010 project as we approach final publication of the new specification. So much has been done that it is hard to remember that we only launched the project at the Spring AGM in Madrid in May last year.
So far this...
The core modules of MoReq2010 have been reviewed. There have been about 600 comments from the public consultation plus a lot of comments from the review baord.
The DLM Forum plans to publish MoReq2010 core modules later this week on the DLM Forum website.
The accreditation programme and the test framework for the MoReq2010 certification are progressing.
There are several events planned to promote MoReq2010. The major announcement will be at the DLM Forum membership...