Hewlett-Packard + ICC International Criminal Court
Vortrag auf dem Records Management Fachtag 2013
"The end of Records and Archives Management as we know it"
Jones Lukose Ongalo, ICC International Criminal Court, Den Haag
The human existence has continuously sought to find information and preserve it for posterity. Information preservation is therefore one of the most important tasks of communities and organizations. The act of preservation of elements of human existence does not only feed to aesthetic functions but also to a fulfillment of accountability needs of the society. In this digital culture of ‘data everywhere’ the demand for accountability is high necessitating a redefinition of information management practices. Information is now more correlated than ever and found in large quantities known as ‘big data’; it is pervasive, difficult to capture, store or analyze. In this paper, the International Criminal Court (ICC), a judicial organization that has the preservation of its information as a critical aspect of its judicial obligation is discussed. Born in the digital age the Court has adopted an eCourt strategy covering all aspects of its operations. And to solve the accountability challenge its records and archives functions are redefined towards information orchestration and less towards traditional preservation. In this paper therefore, ICC’s information management practices and tools are referenced.
- Information value and accountability
- Records managers and archivists as part of the information system
- Probabilistic and unpredictable
- Intuition and Trust
- Records managers and archivists as orchestrators
Jones Lukose Ongalo, Head of Records and Archives
Dr. Lukose is currently the Head of Records and Archives at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He is responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of integrated digital repositories for the Court. This responsibility involves the execution of the eCourt Strategy that covers both administrative and judicial areas of the Court.
Dr. Lukose has over 15 years professional experience in Information Management, Records and Archives Systems Automation, Software Development, covering studies, Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Commercial Systems, training, supervision and execution of IS and RM policies. He is highly experienced in implementation of Records Management Standards, Information Management requirements, with specialisation and experience in digital records and archiving systems. He has extensive experience in public and private sectors as a project manager skilled in executing large Knowledge Management and Information Management implementations.
He holds a BSc in electronic engineering, Msc in Organisational Development, a PhD Computer Science and an MBA. He is currently doing research on staff motivation and digital culture in judicial areas.
ICC International Criminal Court, Den Haag
The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system. Its seat is at The Hague in the Netherlands. Although the Court’s expenses are funded primarily by States Parties, it also receives voluntary contributions from governments, international organisations, individuals, corporations and other entities. |
Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Nederland
HP Information Management
Speaker of the Sponsor
Marcel Winkel, Sales Executive, HP Information Management
Active in the ICT and Telecommunications industry for more than 25 years, During my career I fulfilled both national and international roles in several companies (Veritas/Symantec, Movius Interactive, HP) Business Development, the relations that comes with that, and an approach based on business needs makes my career interesting and exciting. The opportunity to add value based on the business needs is the biggest drive in my day-to-day job.
Produkt/Lösung von Hewlett-Packard
HP Information Management, Information Governance and Information Lifecycle Management
Our solutions:
- www.autonomy.com/offerings/enterprise-content-management
- www.autonomy.com/offerings/enterprise-content-management/policy-driven-information-management
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.11.2013. Autorenrechte.
Persistente URL: http://www.project-consult.de/ecm/fachtag2013/hewlett_packard_icc_international_criminal_court